Making a referral

We hope that you will take a few minutes and watch this video to learn how to make referrals to MSORT. Consent is a key component to any referral and it might be helpful to assure clients that for this first step, they are only consenting to have MSORT connect with them and that any next steps offered will require their further consent. They remain in control. As the video explains, it is also helpful to consider details that might assist MSORT to make a safe and warm connection, especially where someone has no permanent address or prefers not to be contacted at home.

When making a referral, please include any concerns about leaving messages or visiting a registered address. When providing a phone number, individuals may have specific instructions like, ‘text only’ or ‘please do not leave a message, I share this phone’. If the person would prefer for us to leave a message for them with another person, or to meet them at a community agency or shelter, the team can do that when provided clear instructions. We are happy to accommodate needs. Please be as specific as possible.

You can find referral forms here.

You may also provide clients with the MSORT contact information so that they may self-refer. If you need MSORT information cards, please let us know and we would be happy to drop some off.

If you are uncertain if MSORT is the right referral, please contact us so we can discuss your particular situation.

Connect. Prevent. Strengthen.